
Hand in Hand Around the World

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Global Peace Index 2021

Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP)


World Hunger 2020

 Five World Hunger Facts:

  1. World hunger is on the rise
  2. The world is not on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal for hunger.
  3. Some regions have a higher proportion of malnourished people than others.
  4. A healthy diet is still out of reach for the world's poor
  5. National economic growth doesn’t necessarily mean better nourishment for all.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

World Happiness Report 2020

                 Top Ten Happiest Countries          Happiest Asian Countries      Bottom 10 Countries
      1. Finland                                     25. Taiwan, ROC                 144. India
      2. Denmark                                  31. Singapore                      145. Malawi
      3. Switzerland                              52. Philippines                     146. Yemen
      4. Iceland                                     54. Thailand                         147. Botswana
      5. Norway                                    61. South Korea                   148. Tanzania
      6. Netherlands                             62. Japan                             149. Central African Rep
      7. Sweden                                   66. Pakistan                          150. Rwanda
      8. New Zealand                           78. Hong Kong, SAR            151. Zimbabwe 
      9. Austria                                     81. Mongolia                        152. South Sudan
      10. Luxembourg                            82. Malaysia                         153. Afghanistan

The World's Megacities Growth


Climate Change Performance Index 2021

The CCPI 2021 shows that a global tuning point might be close, especially regarding worldwide emissions. This year's index rated the emissions before the Covid-19 pandemic and could detect a small increase of worldwide emissions and a decrease in 32 ranked countries. This year's loser is the USA.